Friday, 1 May 2009

May Newsletter

Hi and welcome to the May newsletter.
It seems some people have been trying to contact me on my old mobile phone number.
I apologise for this if you have been wondering why I haven’t replied but basically that
phone no longer works due to a soaking with a large amount of water! These are the numbers you can contact me on: 01352 714690 or mobile 07963576772 or email me at

I have also been asked if I still do the ‘physio’ and massage work and the answer is yes they form a part of my treatments for pain relief, increasing mobility, sports and occupational injuries, stress and health problems.
They are tools in my therapeutic bag just as are Hypnotherapy, Fear Elimination Therapy, EFT, TAT, NLP, Allergy Antidotes, Reiki, My own Deep Relaxation Therapy (DRT) and anything else which helps me to help you. Some of these are demonstrated on my Mind Power Demonstrations and Free talks which you are of course welcome to attend.
On the subject of hypnotherapy, what I have found is that there is a certain amount of fear surrounding it. Much of this has come from the farcical portrayal of it in the media, T.V. and by Holywood and also to some extent by comedy hypnosis shows although I believe these shows to be highly entertaining and as long as people see them as that then fine. It is this portrayal of mind control which scares people. In a clinical or medical hypnosis setting hypnosis is used to help people overcome a problem which could be a phobia, to help healing after surgery, to overcome a health problem, ease pain and a 1001 other uses. Unfortunately we live in a society where the media and therefore us, require sensational headlines and stories and something to do with the dark side of anything seems to generate more interest than the good and love that we share. It’s ironic that people have this fear of hypnosis and yet hypnotists spend a lot of time helping people get over phobias of things like flying, insects, spiders and 100’s of others!
You have certainly got no cause to be scared of hypnosis, especially considering we all have the ability to go into self hypnosis and do so several times a day…Hypnosis is about cooperation not confrontation and the therapist who is foolish enough to attempt to scare someone will not be in business long!
In conclusion, hypnotherapy is much underused because of this fear and many people who will benefit enormously from it will not get the help they so desperately need…this is extremely sad. I hope after reading this article that you will help to start a wave of enlightenment so that more people have the opportunity to embrace the remarkable tool that is hypnosis.

Announcing two great ways to learn more about hypnosis and mind therapy

Paul Kay
Chester EFT & Hypnotherapy

Take this opportunity to learn an invaluable skill which can help you in all areas of your life, business, personal, work and leisure.

Self Hypnosis Workshop
When You Attend This Workshop You Will learn:

What is Hypnosis, Myths about hypnosis and how it works.
How the Conscious and Subconscious mind works and how you can program your subconscious for success.
How imagination affects you physically.
Why imagination is much more powerful than will power.
How to go into self-hypnosis instantly.
How to formulate effective suggestions.
How to control your emotions instantly by programming a trigger word into your sub conscious mind.
How to create a positive anchor.
How to collapse a negative anchor.
How to us self hypnosis to lose weight, stop smoking, improve confidence, reduce stress and anxiety, improve your job prospects and much more!
There is three hours + of tuition at this workshop plus free CD’s and information worth more than the price of the course.
For more details contact me on: 01352 714690 or email

A light hearted demonstration of how HYPNOSIS &
Mind Therapy can change your life.
Stamford Gate Hotel
Halkyn Road
Monday 18th May, 2009
7.30 pm – 9.30pm
Tickets just £3.00
From Chester EFT & Hypnotherapy
Tel 01352 714690
Or book online at
(There is a special free prize for someone at this event)

Have a great month and look forward to seeing you on one or both of these events


PS You may want to follow my blog at where you will be able to discover previous newsletters and maybe even free gifts.

PPS Can you help me spread the word about this event? It would be great if you could tell your
Friends and work colleagues about it, maybe you could put a poster up at work? If you can would you please let me know and I will post one out to you. Thanks Paul

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