Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Jet deal with Saudi Arabia

Just read in the news today about a major arms deal with Saudi Arabia. The £4 billion order will secure British Aerospace Jobs and that of course is good news but... why are we supplying a regime with one of the worst human rights records in the world. A country enslaved by the house of Saud who keep their citizens under control with fear, torture and death? A country where woman have no say and are treated as second class citizens. At the moment they are allies of the west of course but let's not forget so was Saddam hussein's Iraq at one time, when it was convenient.

How shameful that we have these successive Governments who preach to us one thing while doing another, bit like the Saudi Royals actually! We hear all about the phoney war on terror all the time which gives them the excuse to take more of our freedoms and then they are back slapping about supplying this regime with high tech killing machines. When will the human race ever wake up?

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Madeline McCann

Whatever your opinion is, the truth is that none of us have all the facts in this case. The endless speculation that is coming from the media is doing no help for anyone least of all Madeline. If she is still alive then the attention on her parents is being diverted away from the efforts to find her.

I find it difficult to believe that her parents had anything to do with her disappearance in fact I don't think they did at all. Some of the suggestions coming out at the moment are totally unfounded and appear quite ridiculous.

What we do know is that paedophiles rings are extremely well organized and very clever. They also contain many high ranking officials in the Police, Judiciary and Government. Also people of vast wealth who can quite easily cover their tracks and arrange for the finger of suspicion to point elsewhere - that's why they get away with it, plus people just do not suspect such apparently upstanding citizens!

I hope that this little girl is still alive and that she will soon be back with her parents and that this case will help to highlight the hundreds of thousands of children who disappear every year whose plights never get any publictiy at all.